Friday, May 3, 2013

Love At First Dare

Have you ever met a man so beautiful yet perfectly imperfect? The kind of man that makes you feel so safe and unsure of where you belong? That was Clark... I met Clark my freshman year of college when I visited See Me, the two were friends, and right off the back we hated each other. You see, Clark was under the impression that I was a horrible girlfriend who was mean and I thought he was just a jerk who was not a good friend to See Me. Obviously See Me was lying to both of us and especially felt threatened by Clark due to him being 6 foot 4 and chiseled. He was a white chocolate sculpture that I eventually wanted and couldn't get enough of.

After the demise of See Me and I, Clark and I ended up having a fling. I couldn't believe it, how could this ADONIS want me? How could a chubby sometimes pretty female get someone like him?!!!! Well, it started with a game of truth or dare that let's just say got pretty intense. From that day forward Clark and I were together every night for a week before I left for winter break. Now keep in mind that See Me and I were no longer together, but he and Clark were still friends.

 While away on break Clark and I talked every night and really got to know each other, it was magical. I seriously was falling for him and I started to believe he was feeling the same until See Me popped in the picture. During break See Me and I saw each other once and during that visit we had sex for what was suppose to be the last time. I was done with him and hoping for something between Clark and I, but See Me put a stop to that even though he had no idea we were even talking.

 See Me found out about me and Clark's friendship and used it to get back in my good graces. He started asking Clark to help him win me back and eventually told Clark about our last time, which I had not mention to Clark because I didn't think it mattered and I made it clear to See Me that that was the last time. To my surprise Clark was upset, which made me think he really must like me. I really got hopeful after that...

 One day Clark had me talk to See Me and was telling me about how much he cared for me and how he felt bad for sleeping with me and keeping it a secret. I asked Clark if he thought See Me had changed and deserved me and Clark said yes...He said yes, I couldn't believe it. To me, Clark saying yes was his way of telling me that he didn't want me and it really was just a fling. What guy tells a girl he likes and wants that she should give her ex a second chance. To me I was crushed and figured well if he doesn't want me I should just go back to See Me since Clark said he changed and that's exactly what I did.

 This wouldn't be the last time Clark and I were together and it wouldn't be the last time See Me ruined something I held so dear. Clark and I ended things after that and never spoke as friends again until we made it official months later. 'Til this day I hope we'll meet be continued


  1. I'm pretty sure this is an exaggerated truth. The way you write makes me feel like you are not a reliable source.

    1. Thank you for reading. That is your opinion and you're entitled to it. I haven't exaggerated anything, but I do right with feeling which is why it may seem that way. What are you using me as a source for?

  2. Yo clark dont want you, move on. Trust me

    1. I know he doesn't and I'm trying to. just hard to meet ppl
