Wednesday, May 1, 2013

In the Beginning

Your first love....nothing compares and luckily for me that statement is true. I'd like to introduce you to See Me, my first love. Now the stories of See Me will explain why he has this alias. See Me and I met the summer of 9th grade year. It was a whirlwind romance that happened fast, lasted to long, and was full of drama, which he caused.

See Me was not my type and there was noting special about him, but the day we met I was drawn to him. I was at my friend's school which was down the hill from mine and as I walked in the cafeteria I saw a boy who seemed to float to me. The next few days that followed we were together hanging out and taking walks. Now keep in mind I was not allowed to have a boyfriend, but I realized that if I gave my number out and he kept calling, eventually my parents would give in. AND GIVE IN THEY DID...looking back I WISH THEY DIDN'T

See Me and I dated from summer of 9th grade year until my sophomore year in college. We were to be married and I was to have his children, or so I thought. You see, See Me had an addiction called women. He had to be seen by them, speak to them, wanted by them. It did not matter that he didn't want them, they were ugly, or wanted nothing to do with him. They had to SEE HIM.

The first problem to arise in our relationship was by the name of Guadelupe (clearly an alias based off her race, she's from Guatemala lol). Guadelupe and See Me were friends before I met him, he was in love with her and she had a boyfriend. This I did not know. So he and I are dating and I began to get suspicious, which leads me to snooping. I hack into his email and find letters he has written her expressing his love and desires. If course being the lady that I am I confront him. Lies, Lies, Lies, oh and more Lies, but I accept them and figure he wanted her first I just have to give him time to get over her, so that's what I do.

Now one would think that See Me would be appreciative of my consideration and back off of his friendship a little and make me feel like I was the one he wanted....MEN ARE NOT SMART. FOr starters he continues to be friends with her and shares a locker. Then Christman comes and he gives her a better gift. Now granted I did say I wanted something for my new crochet obsession, but I didn't expect him to give me bunches of yarn and get her Bath and Body Works stuff...I MEAN COME ON

That was the beginning and from there things got be continued


  1. Just Out Of Curiosity, Why Do You Feel The Need To Put Your Business Out And Expose These People?

    1. I'm putting my business our there as you say because I really wanted to do a blog about my experience as a way to look back as well help others who may be in similar situations realize they are not alone. It's helpful to see things from others perspective and I was hoping to get feed back and maybe advice on things people read about me. I don't really see at as putting anyone out there since I'm not using anyone's name. The only people who know who I'm talking about are people who already know most of what I'm writing. I actually have had twomofnthe guys I've written about so far give me feedback and they're okay with this.

  2. Just Out Of Curiosity, Why Do You Feel The Need To Put Your Business Out And Expose These People?
