Tuesday, April 30, 2013


For years I debated about doing a blog; what would I talk about, would anyone read it, would I be consistent; I have decided to say screw my doubts and goo for it. This is my public journal where I share my laughs, my past, and my drama. Welcome everyone to the life of Cece Marie, the love alcoholic on a path to destiny. My life may not be a scene from a garden, but who's life is. Instead of roses and daisies you will read about tulips with dead petals and creepy butterflies. I know my imagery is AMAZING.

So who is this person that creates the image you have in your mind? I am an educated black female who is currently working on her Masters of Science in Counseling Psychology. I hold a BA in Psychology, a BS in Child Development/Family Relations, and certification in Child/Adolescent Psychology. I am a dancer, a poet, a helper, and a researcher. My biggest passion is to help people no matter what it takes, it's what I do.

SO why exactly is my blog called the Drunken Lover's Cove? Well it's simple, I love love and I love drinking lol. Sometimes it's easier to suppress hurt when you make yourself numb. Being drunk doesn't necessarily mean alcohol, I'm drunk on love, pain, and my own creativity. My outlet is dance and poetry (which I will share on here). This blog is my hid away where I can allow myself to be honest about what I'm feeling as a way to control my emotions. I can't control how I feel, but I can control how and when those emotions are released. Maybe my pain can help someone else and maybe you guys who are reading can help me.

Welcome to the Drunken Lover's Cove, grab a cup of coffee or tea and get lost in my imagery and tales!!!!!

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